Earingssss..dangling, unique earrings who doesn't love them...every girls loveee earrings and i have to admit i am obsessed with it...actually if you know me..i obsessed with so many things...including HIM...my sweet hot hubby...;-p
I guess it all started back when I'm in Terengganu...i remember i saw a beautiful Malay girl wearing a dangling Indian like earrings which look really nice on her..it sooo nice..plus at the time..the earrings was kinda "IN"... so haha..like usual..the quest begin...everywhere i go ill find myself searching of those dangling earrings....i remember i have lots of earrings back then...i have a bag of them...hmmm...but lots of it lost along the way...
there were once, the hoop earring was kinda popular back then college...i remember i used this really big hoop earrings and i really love that earrings..cause it just not round but have it some beautiful designs on it..plus i ever saw a Malaysian celebrity wearing the same earring in one of the local mag...haha..no wonder oso..i bought it last time in KL...huh..what to do.. i broke the earrings...got one oso..i adore these earrings i bought during Terengganu Monsoon Cup..it was among the most expensive earrings i ever bought that time..it is made from kayu jati..it was really super duper nice...and yep it cost me RM40...huh...someone borrow it and never give me back..i wonder if i could find that earrings again...honestly..i still been searching that same designs of earring until now...
the black dolls (Again my hunny bunny buy for me during Christmas...i guess it was my pre-Christmas gift) used to hang my accesories..haha..actually this corner were the place i put all my fav things...dusty suda ne...cause near the window..haha..bikin malu jak...
Conclusion; I jusT Luf Earring's and couldn't stop Loving It~~
Lotsa Lotsa of Winking *CIAO*
among the earrings i love most...especially the three tone green earrings (my hunny madu bought it on V-day ;-p) it was really nice...and of cos..have lotsa meaning for me....actually i just bought the wooden board from DAISO (store that sells Japanese good and all were priced rm5)...worth it la juga....i bought this one cause the dolls that i used to hang on my accessories were full...
I've added another one yesterday...bought for RM5..leaf-like shape earring made from the shell skin..hehe